Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Evil False Messiah as prophesied will rule from Israel ?

And we obey Israel without Question....

Our nation and armies are servants of the False Messiah/Antichrist.

.The Evil False Messiah as prophesied will rule from Israel ?
Another Muslim spewing hatred and lies....

The messiah from Israel will be the real messiah.The Evil False Messiah as prophesied will rule from Israel ?
He will come out of the Revived Roman Empire (iron mixed with clay feet in Daniel). That's in Europe last I looked.

Being anti-Israel is against the Bible.

You are what you eat. Almost ALL of your questions are in regard to the Evil False Messiah. I'm looking to the coming Savior. What are you looking for?
Evil false Messiah? Antichrist? Oh please. How can anyone still believe in the lies and insanity that is Abrahamic Religion?

The god you and your foolish people talk about, the god of the bible, is a mythical being no more real then Zeus, Odin, Amun-Ra or any other mythical deity.

Jesus was a man that used the faith of hundreds to gain influence and prestige. Did he believe what he was teaching? Probably, but that doesn't mean he was the son of a god.

The bible is a collection of different books joined together because a group of religious leaders debated and argued over what books would give them more authority and seamed more plausible. The other books were excluded and deemed heresy. In a time when few people could read, that was very convenient wouldn’t you say?

The Antichrist is just as mythical as god, Jesus and the rest of the Abrahamic religion. You and your ilk are afraid of a myth...of nothing! How sad!

I would go on, but let's face it, you are so brainwashed that even when the truth steps up and slaps you in the face you wont accept it. You and your kind are willing slaves to a lie. If it were not so pathetic, it would be laughable. Oh well, you deserve what you got.

I hope this helps.
As someone from Israel, I just have this to say, Metzitzabepeh (which is Hebrew by the way):

You couldn't understand bible verse if your life depended on it, and someone so dense shouldn't even try.

Also, for all you Israel-haters: go back to the Al-Qaeda recruitment center, I KNOW you're all just pissed off self-righteous muslims who hate things they don't even comprehend enough to hate. Don't claim to know everything just because you read some anti-zionist pamphlets and the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion (a Czarist forgery), and go learn something other than hatred.

People in Israel are kind, normal hard working people who are tired of being treated like scape-goats and being told WHAT THEY ARE by people who don't even know them.

If you actually met any Israeli, you'd be surprised that, like you, he's trying to protect his family, live in peace, make a livelihood, and that's it. People are people, and yes, most of you couldn't begin to understand the bible like Jews do. We INVENTED monotheistic Abrahamic religion; you just stole it and warped it. Deal with it and move on with your inferiority.
the jews are waiting for their true messiah to come, because they said that jesus wasn't the real messiah. that is why they are rebuilding temples and stuff, but they haven't said that he already came, because he is supposed to come in the last days. this messiah is what everyone else calls the antichrist. i don't really get the question, because it is jews everywhere not just israel. and israel is supposed to be their promised land, so this whole messiah thing can happen there. it is really confusing
The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.


you are all morons.
some Christains believe that Israel should be where it is regardless of how many palestinians who lived there lose their lives... pretty evil if you ask me...

look above .. there is a comment that says bible is against being anti-israel... and everyone knows that israelis are terrorist, agree with me or not, you know they are killers... thus the bible is against anti-terrorists..

hummm.. am i getting this right
Show me the evidence?
In the words of a Jew and Zionist called Jack Bernstein:

(quote) ';...Judaism is a religion; but Zionism is a political movement started mainly by East European (Ashkenazi) Jews who for centuries have been the main force behind

communism/socialism. The ultimate goal of the Zionists is one-world government under the control of the Zionists and the Zionist-oriented Jewish international bankers.'; (unquote) -- Jack Bernstein

In the words of yet another Jew and Zionist:

“Our race is the master race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as slaves.” Menachem Begin (Israeli Prime Minister) (1913-1992), winner of the Nobel Peace!!! Prize.

So yes in their very own words (Zionist Jews) --- they have basically confirmed what you are proposing. Because the 'Leader' of a One World Government coming out of the New World Order is obviously the Antichrist/False Messiah, because a One World Government is Fascist, Totalitarian and Evil by definition.

Jews against Zionism and the Zionist State:
probably meant Bush
Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. You need to read up on the story a little better. That would mean he would have to make a seven year peace with himself, rebuild the temple, and be the abomination of desolation (and how can he be the abomination if he is of the native faith?).

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