Monday, February 8, 2010

Did Apostle Paul prove Jesus to be a false messiah?

In Acts 10:39 it states :

And we are witnesses of all things which he did both in the land of the Jews, and in Jerusalem; whom they slew and hanged on a tree:

According to Acts 10:39 Jesus died by the hands of the Jews who they slew and ';HANGED ON A TREE';!

According to Galatians 3:10-13 it states

.... for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree.

If Jesus died by being hanged to a tree such as Acts 10:39 proves. Then Apostle Paul and the New Testament itself proves Jesus to be a false messiah!

So I ask did the Apostle Paul prove Jesus to be a false messiah?Did Apostle Paul prove Jesus to be a false messiah?
St Paul corrupted the Message of Jesus, he was the one that took the message and twisted it and added false beliefs.Did Apostle Paul prove Jesus to be a false messiah?
Actually, the fact that Jesus didn't fulfill any of the messianic prophecies is what proves he is a false messiah.

That the Christians consider him to be God, ie part of the trinity, and the fact that Christians consider him a savior who died for their sins is also proof as the concept of God being more than one, becoming human, or that anyone can atone for your sins are all fundamentally against Judaism.
The Romans killed the fictional character Jesus and since he was nothing but a composite character why be concerned about nothing. Paul was just another fictional character, and the Romans writers played all the parts in the story. It is fiction designed to attempt to fool the Jews into accepting the new religion; else why would the Romans claim a Jew as being Jesus. Wake up world, and see PisoChrist to come shortly.
No, he did not. Spend your time in Bible study and at least try to understand it instead of picking out scriptures to find fault with.

The Jews did not crucify Jesus, He allowed Himself to be crucified for the redemption of the sin of all mankind, even you. It was sin that killed Him.

Jesus was in effect cursed as he was crucified as He was physically beaten and bore stripes for the healing of all mankind and during His death on the cross became unrecognizable as a human.

Isaiah 52:14

As many were astonied at thee; his visage was so marred more than any man, and his form more than the sons of men:

Visage means the face, appearance of a person. I would call this cursed, wouldn't you?
Truthfully there were three Pauls. The first was a gnostic Jew and was the right one. He never met Jesus and only met the Christ Spirit on the road. His writings were not to the liking of the Church at Rome. Other writings were forged in his name and made it into the Canon. These were the writings that supported the Roman Churches position albeit forgeries. Paul was not the rascal that many paint him to be. Those forgeries after his were. History is history. Yes Paul did not support Jesus being the messiah, at least not the first and right Paul.
You only deceive yourself with your quote-mining.

“Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: / That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.”
Slight difference here? Men of those days died on the tree for a numerous amount of wrongs.

But JESUS CHRIST hung between Heaven and earth as HE took on the Sins of HIS creation,

GOD Bless YA,

Chicago Bob. (Imasinner)

Please pray for our Country and Our President (DAILY)

There is more Joy in JESUS in 24 hours, Than there is in the World in 365 Days. I have tried them both.(ME TO)

R.A. Torrey.
Everything from Paul should be thrown out. Jesus Christ was the messiah. If people concentrated solely on what he taught they would understand why he was the messiah. Too many people follow the religion ';Christianity'; and not the real teacher - Christ.
no paul did not prove Jesus to be a false messiah.

Jesus, He allowed Himself to be crucified for the redemption of the sin of all mankind, including you. It was sin that killed Him and not the Jews.
Judge not and you will not be judged; do not condemn and pronounce guilty, and you will not be condemned and pronounced guilty; acquit and forgive and you will be acquitted and forgiven.
Saul did NOT prove YAHUSHUA to be a false messiah. He demonstrated that some 'Jewish' concepts were misunderstandings of Torah.
2 Cor 5:21

'; For he hath made him, who knew no sin, to be sin for us, that we might be made righteousness of God in Him.';

Curse is a consequence of sin.......

jesus was crucified not hanged on a tree.(Matthew 27:33-37)
Jesus is alive and Paul said so.

You should start at the beginning.
paul was a religion builder who really did understand world domination better even than american idol
Again you have no understanding of scripture. Christ was cursed for our sakes. Anyone who is cutoff from God is cursed in the end. God had the power to spare the life of Jesus but he cut him off and let him suffer and die for our sakes. Jesus was cursed. What is the cursed you may ask? He was hung as a criminal, a murderer, and a thief. The death that he dies was really how we we're supposed to die, as sinners. But he never sinned, and no lie was found in his mouth. He suffered the punishment for the sins that we committed. He was hung on a cross for our sake. Why don't you watch the passion of the Christ. Look at how Christ was treated and then understand that Jesus was cut off by his own Father for our sakes.

This is why Paul suggested that he would've been cursed for the sake of his brothers even though it would be impossible for him to do because he wouldn't be able to follow the Law perfectly like Christ. Do notice that Judas also hung himself, he didn't get raised back to life.

Like one already pointed out, the curse of sin is death. Yet Jesus didn't commit a sin so why did he die on the cross? He was cursed for our sakes.
No absolutely no !!! Paul was confronted by Christ and told Him to be His apostle to the gentiles !!! He did just that and witnessed to gentile kings and prisoners !!!

Jesus claimed to be God - John 8:24; 8:56-59 (see Exodus 3:14); John 10:30-33

Jesus is called God - John 1:1,14; 20:28; Col. 2:9; Titus 2:13; Heb. 1:8

Jesus is the image of the invisible God - Heb. 1:3

Jesus abides forever - Heb. 7:24

Jesus created all things - John 1:1-3; Col. 1:15-17

Jesus is before all things - John 1:1-3; Col. 1:17;

Jesus is eternal - John 1:1,14; 8:58; Micah 5:1-2

Jesus is honored the same as the Father - John 5:23

Jesus is prayed to - Acts 7:55-60; 1 Cor. 1:2 with Psalm 116:41; (John 14:14)

Jesus is worshipped - Matt. 2:2,11; 14:33; John 9:35-38; Heb. 1:6

Jesus is omnipresent - Matt. 18:20; 28:20

Jesus is with us always - Matt. 28:20

Jesus is our only mediator between God and ourselves - 1 Tim. 2:5

Jesus is the guarantee of a better covenant - Heb. 7:22; 8:6

Jesus said, ';I AM the Bread of Life'; - John 6:35,41,48,51

Jesus said, ';I AM the Door'; - John 10:7,9

Jesus said, ';I AM the Good Shepherd'; - John 10:11,14

Jesus said, ';I AM the Way the Truth and The Life'; - John 14:6

Jesus said, ';I AM the Light of the world'; - John 8:12; 9:5; 12:46; Luke 2:32

Jesus said, ';I AM the True Vine'; - John 15:1,5

Jesus said, ';I AM the Resurrection and the Life'; - John 11:25

Jesus said, ';I AM the First and the Last'; - Rev. 1:17; 2:8; 22:13

Jesus always lives to make intercession for us - Heb. 7:25

Jesus cleanses from sin - 1 John 1:9

Jesus cleanses us from our sins by His blood - Rev. 1:5; Rom. 5:9

Jesus forgives sins - Matt. 9:1-7; Luke 5:20; 7:48

Jesus saves forever - Matt. 18:11; John 10:28; Heb. 7:25
You have chopped off what Paul said. The full verse, Galatians 3:13, says:

Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree;

And verse 14:

14. that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the spirit through faith.

Christ became a curse in our stead, to remove the curse of sin and death for those who believe in him.

That was one of the things the Messiah was supposed to do, according to Isaiah 53:3-10, which says in part:

';Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows; yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed...he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter...for he was cut off from the land of the living; for the transgression of my people was he stricken.';

What the Apostle Paul proved was that Jesus was the true Messiah.
Idk if it was Paul who said it ...but somebody in the Bible said something like (not a Bible scholar.)...If everything Jesus said and did was recorded would take the whole world to hold all the books of what he did and said.

So that's what I hang onto. If you wrote all you knew about a person... there would still be a ton of things you didn't know about them and didn't tell. It would take every minute of your life following them around and recording what they said and did. But there would be times you'd have to use the bathroom so you'd miss what they said and did during that time. Even at would have no way of knowing that person's heart. And words can have several you still wouldn't have the exact meanings.

So...considering all that... after you wrote all the letters and books etc about that person... when other people read it they would have their own interpretation of what it meant...and then there is the language problem where words don't mean exactly the same thing. Maybe that's why John (I think) said not to change a word of what he had written. Mix all this in with word of mouth and people adding to and taking away and exaggerating etc. what was said and done... what's left is confusion. You've got to KEEP IT SIMPLE.. GOD IS LOVE. ...PERIOD.The rest really doesn't matter that much.

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