Thursday, February 4, 2010

Why did Jews claim that Jesus, pbuh, was a false Messiah even they have the old testament?

To Jews, the Old Testament is a mistranslation of the Tanakh. It is used to assist Christians in their defense of Jesus as the Jewish Messiah. Jews would never use a Christian Bible as a Jewish reference for this reason, and so the testimony of it revealing Jesus as the Jewish Messiah has no standing in Judaism.

There are many reasons why Jews have denied Jesus being the messiah. One single factor was the choice to remove the 613 commandments as an obligation to Jews to follow. God said to never add or remove from Torah law. A second was the sacrifice of Jesus to save humanity, but in Judaism God abhors human sacrifice. A third, very vital piece of the puzzle, is that Jesus was declared God in flesh. Judaism goes against any idea of God limiting himself to physical form, and the idea of worshiping Jesus as a Jew worships God is idolatry.Why did Jews claim that Jesus, pbuh, was a false Messiah even they have the old testament?
because, contrary to muslim attempts to discredit them, they have the original copy of the old testament and know from direct knowledge by reading it in its original language that jeeses didn't fulfill any of the prophecies. unlike the koran and new testament, the tanakh can be proven to be a faithful copy of the ancient texts of judaism.Why did Jews claim that Jesus, pbuh, was a false Messiah even they have the old testament?
Jewish holy scriptures consist of ';The Tanakh'; :

Torah (the 5 books of Moses),

Nevi'im (Prophets),

Kethuvim (Writings).

Though similar, it is *NOT* ';the Old Testament;'; which is 1/2 of the Christian Bible.

The messianic prophecies are found within the Tanakh. So far, no-one has fulfilled all of them. This is why Jews can say Jesus was not the messiah. Rather than list the prophecies again, which I have done numerous times in answer to questions here, I'll just give you a good reference (the first one listed below).

One important note: many Christians like to cite a list of ';300 prophecies'; fulfilled by Jesus. The problem with this list is that most of those scriptures weren't prophecies at all (for example, the Psalms aren't prophecies), and those that are prophecies mostly refer to other people or events (for example, Isaiah 9:6 which refers to Hezekiah).

So, to sum up: Jews don't believe Jesus was the messiah because he didn't do the job described in the various messianic prophecies.
pbuh, because he didn't fulfill all of jewish prophecy, ask any jew and they'll give you a page long list of things he DIDN'T do. (Since they were god chosen people in the OT, they'd know if anyone would)

There is no records of Jesus performing ANY miracles outside of the gospels, which as a muslim you know, were errored and written 50-100 years after his death by people who never knew him.

Christianity didn't even amass anything more than a small cult until constantine forced christianity on people in turkey hundreds of years after christ.
I Think The Jewish People Were Looking For A Rich, King Like Messiah. If That Were So, Jesus' Life Would Have Been A Paradox.

Most Failed To Recognize That He Was The Savior and The Son Of God Because Of This.

But One Day, Every Knee Will Bow And Every Tongue Confess Jesus.

Either In This Life, Or The Next.
The Jews did not accept Jesus.. as The Hebrew Scriptures states

The Identity of the Messiah

The concept of the messiah seems to have developed in later Judaism. The Torah contains no specific reference to him, though some Jewish scholars have pointed out that it does speak of the ';End of Days,'; which is the time of the messiah.

The Tanakh gives several specifications as to who the messiah will be. He will be a descendent of King David (2 Samuel 7:12-13; Jeremiah 23:5), observant of Jewish law (Isaiah 11:2-5), a righteous judge (Jeremiah 33:15), and a great military leader.

Jews do not believe that the messiah will be divine. A fundamental difference between Judaism and Christianity is the Jewish conviction that God is so essentially different from and beyond humanity that he could never become a human.

Moreover, Jews find no foundation in the scriptures for such a belief about the messiah. Passages viewed by Christians as indicating a divine messiah (such as the suffering servant of Isaiah 53) are viewed by Jews as speaking of the people of Israel. In general, only the following passages are accepted as referring to the messiah:

鈥saiah 2, 11, 42; 59:20

鈥eremiah 23, 30, 33; 48:47; 49:39

鈥zekiel 38:16

鈥osea 3:4-3:5

鈥icah 4

鈥ephaniah 3:9

鈥echariah 14:9

鈥aniel 10:14

When Will the Messiah Come?

The ';when'; of the messiah's arrival is not made clear in the Tanach, and has been a source of much scholarly speculation. In general, attempts to predict the exact date are discouraged. Though millennial fervor has never been as strong in Judaism as it has been in Christian and Islamic movements, there have been those who either claimed to be the messiah or to know the date of the messiah's arrival. One notable example of the former is Shabbatai Tzvi, a 17th-century man who claimed to the messiah, then converted to Islam under threat of death.

A wide variety of opinions have been given by Jewish scholars as to the circumstances that will prompt the messiah's arrival. Some say the messiah will come when the world is especially good; others say when the world has become especially evil. The biblical clues that are offered suggest the messiah will come after a period of war and suffering (Ezekiel 38:16).鈥?/a>

Christianity believes as John.1.1.

Jesus is the Word. Father./Son/ Holy Spirit.. God ..

Just as Islam has Haman (from the book of Esther), meeting the Pharaoh (from Exodus), at the tower of Babel (Genesis)--there is no OT in Judaism. Just as Islam has made Adam a Muslim doesn't make it so for others, or Isaac the true heir of Sarah %26amp; Abraham over Ishmael. That is why Ishmael didn't get the neshoma, his mother wasn't Sarah. Women are important in the Torah of Musa (Moses). Women don't have to marry or have kids, the husband must love her more than himself %26amp; needs her permission to be with her. Never was this changed, even today.

The Romans arrested Jews for heresy because the Romans could never believe there could be a God that was invisible, a god to them had to be in human form. Same for the Virgin Isis who had a god-son Horus (also called Isa) in their belief system of ';life %26amp; resurrection';, 3 days of judgment in a hell of sorts, then judged %26amp; went to their afterlife in bodily form. This concept is the foundation of Christianity %26amp; Islam %26amp; part of Zoroastrianism.

Because Christians come to God in their way as they know how %26amp; bypassed the history of Jews, doesn't mean they should jump ship, if they can be righteous %26amp; follow the Seven Laws of Noah (as found in their Book of Acts), all to the good, for all righteous have a share in the World-to-Come without regard to their race, color, creed or gender. Even Islam included the Noah laws. Righteousness has many paths, some have been made very complex, while others have tried to ignore the simple messages to a moral %26amp; ethical way of life for everyone. Until we all agree on the simple things to make this world better for everyone, including its land, sea, %26amp; creature (and air), we will also be in a struggle in how each religion defined or doesn't define their God as the God of Israel. Some people just will never be able to accept anything but what they were taught. My sister is like the original God-Fearers (see, others in our country were Deists (like our founding fathers) or Ben Franklin. To each his own. My own GGUncle is a Sunni Muslim (another story) %26amp; studied with scholars %26amp; learned a more peaceful %26amp; just Qu'ran then what is now used to promote missions among the Christians %26amp; reinvent history to keep true peace at bay.

If you check the various Greek %26amp; Roman documents, plus the Dead Sea Scroll docs, read the books of Josephus %26amp; Philo (both wrote about the 1st c.), there is no mention of any potential king to liberate mankind from the war mongers %26amp; deviant habits of the pagans. Actually Philo wrote he saw no future ';moshach'; or anointed king (read how King David was anointed), in his family or even in the future. Philo was a student of the Pharisees, an Essene (they were called ';Morning Baptists'; or dippers by Greeks), himself of the esoteric, thus his writings were to give the depth of knowledge in a way they could understand to know God having been isolated with Greek philosophy %26amp; not Judaism. Philo's own brother was a heretic %26amp; became a pain, sorry, a thorn in Philo's side as his brother promoted paganism as a Roman citizen. The lure of power %26amp; greed was too great for some. Even Josephus (could never have been a Marine), a general in the Jewish army became a turncoat to save his own skin %26amp; was employed as a writer to make the war against the Jews a nice story.
Because the ';old testament'; or Tanach tells them and us all what a messiah is and is not. The weekly Torah reading 2 weeks back, reminded all who read it, how you can know who to listen to and who not to listen to.
He died without completing the task. That's the criteria for every other messianic candidate.

It seems very strange that the rules would be different for one who accomplished so little. Bar Kochba came much closer.
For the same reason they had killed all the prophets of God before, and there was a prophecy of the suffering Messiah, Isaiah 53.
Jesus wanted to correct their mistakes before establishing kingdom. He even called them children of vipers.(as per bible)
Jesus is not mentioned anywhere in our tanach or even in the Christian version of it which they call the ';old testament.';
The jews thought he was going to be a rich powerful king and they were just blind.
Jesus, pbuh,??????????

The god of the moon is not the same as the God of the universe.
idk, i alwys thought that was strange tho, in my religon he is the true messiah
Why can't you people just leave us Jews alone for once. Jesus was a dude that lived along time ago nothing more. So back off with the Jesus questions..gesh you are as bad as the Christians on R%26amp;S
First they had a problem with his mother. Their rabbis were outraged as how could God spoke thru his angel to a woman, so they didn't believe her or pretended to be so. Second they were expecting the messiah to be the liberator or the King prophet like Moses, Sulaiman, David but Jesus claimed his mission is only as a spiritual kingdom not earthly which they didn't like. As u know they had previously killed many prophets when they didn't like them and they tried to do that to Jesus as well. Not only the old testament they even had prophet Zachariah and john the baptist as a witness for ensuring Jesus is the messiah. But the people who have a disease in their hearts disbelieved.
The Jews who rejected Jesus claimed that. The Jews who accepted Jesus obviously believed he was the messiah. The early Christians were mainly Jews, since it wasn't ';Christianity'; but ';The Way'; which was a Jewish sect. There were many Jewish sects, but none of the others were as threatening to their traditions as ';The Way'; was.
This shows how well you know about the Jewish Taknah and traditions.The Jews expect a political Messiah not a suffering Messiah.One would come from the throne of David.For it is said very often the Sons of David will save the day.God came as the Son which means the anointed one not anything to do with God the Father having sex.God has no needs.Read the theology of Saint Thomas Aquinas

Anyway before i sidetrack,This Messiah which the Jews and Prophets prophesied would deliver all the Jews into the Promised land and chase out the Romans and everyone would read the Jewish Taknah and that he will be the sole ruler of Israel

Some of these prophesies are made by the Jewish people not with guidance from the Prophets.Read Book of Isiah 53 about the suffering servant and For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. (Isaiah 9:6

Thats why even today many of the Jews in particluar the Orthodox Jews are angry with him for proclaiming himself as I am God's Holy Name( aJohn 8:58 %26gt;%26gt;)

NIV漏 ';I tell you the truth,'; Jesus answered, ';before Abraham was born, I am

and declaring Jesus's Flesh and Blood is the true food and drink that will gain you to Heaven.I believe strongly.But there were some Jews and his own disciples who deserted him because of his teachings without understanding the true meaning

Therefore even Christains and Jews(hopefully) know their only Saviour who can only be God and no other human or man can come and save us from eternal condemmation and into eternal life with God and the same invisible God Jesus Christ God the Son equal to God the Father and God the Holy Spirit

Yours in Christ
Because all 3 Abrahamic religions are fake.

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