Monday, February 8, 2010

Was Jesus Christ a false prophet, or the messiah?

I will give you two sides of the argument:

False Prophet:


Which side are you on? Or are you on a different one? Please explain.Was Jesus Christ a false prophet, or the messiah?
I think there's probably a third way. I certainly don't think he was a messiah, but I think he was, like Ghandi, a brilliant, and perhaps more highly evolved or at least enlightened man. I also think that those who were with him, and especially those who came after him twisted his message and his very existance for their own purposes.Was Jesus Christ a false prophet, or the messiah?
I believe that Jesus was not the Jewish Messiah.

But that noahide article is not really a very good article or does not present a very good Jewish argument for Jesus... for one thing, it does not discuss the prophecies that Jesus did not fulfil, for another it did not discuss the mistranslations and misinterpretations of the Hebrew scriptures that make Christians believe Jesus was the Messiah.

I recommend people go to to read about the Jewish beliefs about the Messiah.
The man preached love, acceptness and kindness...for everyone. Most people enjoy taking pop-shots at him and his followers...they still love and treat with kindess.

Another ';prophet'; preaches hate and dealth to all who don't agree with the religion. Nobody takes pop-shots at him and his followers...they still hate and kill anyone who doesn't conform to thier beliefs.

So, who's the false prophet and who's the messiah in your book?
I believe that Jesus Christ was the Messiah, while people of the Jewish faith believe the Messiah is still to come. Some others don't believe in God, so of course they would not believe in a Messiah.

It all stems from within each individual, nature and nurture, possibly how one has interpreted what one has been told, and there's a chance some who did believe were talked out of that by a reasoning someone gave them...
The evidence that Jesus even existed is pretty sketchy. Still, seems pretty likely there is a historical figure which is the basis for Jesus myth, but the extraordinarily claims about his life made in the New Testament are unsubstantiated and should be treated with a healthy degree of skepticism (this goes for almost every character in every book of the Bible).

My personal suspicion is that he was simply a progressive, charismatic rabbi who, in martyrdom, came to be worshiped and deified by a cult, which as history would have it, flourished and eventually became a major world religion.
Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He came to earth as the Messiah and He died in our place for our sins. He came not to condemn the world, but to save us. He is our High Priest, our Saviour. Today we pray to God through Jesus Christ - not through any confession box - he stands before God and He pleads our case for us in other words - like an advocate.
Jesus the Christ

Christ (a Greek word) and Messiah (a Hebrew word) mean “the anointed.” Jesus Christ is the Firstborn of the Father in the spirit (Heb. 1: 6; D%26amp;C 93: 21). He is the Only Begotten of the Father in the flesh (John 1: 14; 3: 16). He is Jehovah (D%26amp;C 110: 3-4) and was foreordained to his great calling before the creation of the world. Under the direction of the Father, Jesus created the earth and everything on it (John 1: 3, 14; Moses 1: 31-33). He was born to Mary at Bethlehem, lived a sinless life, and made a perfect atonement for the sins of all mankind by shedding of his blood and giving his life on the cross (Matt. 2: 1; 1 Ne. 11: 13-33; 3 Ne. 27: 13-16; D%26amp;C 76: 40-42). He rose from the dead, thus assuring the eventual resurrection of all mankind. Through Jesus’ atonement and resurrection, those who repent of their sins and obey God’s commandments can live eternally with Jesus and the Father (2 Ne. 9: 10-12; 21-22; D%26amp;C 76: 50-53, 62).

Jesus Christ is the greatest being to be born on this earth. His life is the perfect example of how all mankind should live. All prayers, blessings, and priesthood ordinances should be done in his name. He is the Lord of lords, King of kings, the Creator, the Savior, and the God of the whole earth.

Jesus Christ will come again in power and glory to reign on the earth during the Millennium. At the last day, he will judge all mankind (Alma 11: 40-41; JS-M 1).
It all depends which window you are looking out from. some religions he is. others hes a heretic. There is no black %26amp; white only grays. It does not have to be either/or it can be both/and. Right %26amp; wrong are human mental constructs that have nothing to do with ultimate reality. To answer your question you have to step out of this paradigm and go within. If you dont go within you go without.
he was a messiah, in my opinion, bc he isnt god, but he is his son, sent as a messneger to bring us to salvation and save us

however when we make the sign of the cross, they are considered one , this is really hard to explain, talk to your priest and ask him bc he will def be able to say
we aren't supposed to really know these questions.

Do we honestly know every thing in the bible?

Of course not.

God is mysterious.

Jesus Christ is mysterious.

The lord told us that we are to simply fear the lord.

Now i took it like he was a mean person.. but its beyond my mind. its beyond my head why.

I think everyone fears the lord because no one knows if its true or not.

There is no explanation really..

But i do believe that there was a jesus christ on earth.

or a person tht was exactly like jesus christ.

Who knows???

W'ell never understand it because we arent meant to.

We have limits because were only humans.

But us humans are brilliant.. so we should be able to decide what is true and what is false or atleast what answer seems suitable to you.

hope this helped!
Jesus was a true messiah. Christ from his cross humanised Europe. The humanism in the Western culture is the result of the life and teachings of this great messiah. Undoubtedly, It is the most important historical event in the Western World.
I believe Jesus is God the Son, second person of the Trinity, Alpha and Omega, Good Sheppherd, born of the virgin Mary, preached the gospels, healed the sick of their physical illnesses and healed the souls of the contrite of heart, suffered for us, died for us, rose again for us, ascended back into Heaven, still speaks to us through the Spirit, still is present to us through the Sacraments, and most of all Jesus is my Lord and my friend whom I love dearly.
well I believe that Jesus is our savior and redeemer. I would think that people would post different things here and you never know whats true or false. I think you should pray about it. by yourself just ask God even if your not religious just kneel down and have a humble heart and a contrite spirit and you will know. I know with all my heart that he lives and loves us. some people may call me brain washed but thats up to them...if your confused as to which theory is true then just pray. listen very carefully forget everything in you life and just ask. it may seem strange or stupid but I've tried it and it works. there have been times where I have literally felt like I was crumbling and my life was falling apart. but something was always there. I know that it is Jesus. also here is Not the best place to ask because there are some very confused people who will just tell you lies. and there are other people who set out to tell you the wrong so you'll follow them. asking on this thing is just going to make you more confused because everybody has different views of religion. and not all of them are wrong and not all of them are right. if your REALLY want to know....just pray. it's all opinions and its all teachings. also if you still feel confused, consider talking to somebody from the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints. we don't know all the answers but we are really good listeners and we can help!! if you want to know more just email me at

P.S if you don't agree then just leave it alone. I'm not going to judge you so don't you judge me. before you can remove the mote from one persons eye you must first remove the beam from yours. have an open mind and be grateful for you life here.

Love ya!

Love Rachie
Whatever he was he was a great person who preached nothing but good and was someone who loved all of mankind. How he wanted us to be as kind , gentle ,thoughtful and caring as he was. Alas ,look at us , what have we done to the world and our fellow human beings?
Jesus Christ is Lord of Lords and King of Kings.

Either you accept Christ as your savior or you don't.

If you accept him, then you will not go to hell.

Read the New Testament.
He was the messiah. He performed miracles and was kind. He was perfect. When he died there was an earthquake and the sky darkened.
Jesus is the messiah, in the future there will be false prophets claiming they are Jesus but are not. Jesus will come again but just to take us away to heaven.

I think people from other religions r always trying to prove that Jesus never existed or that he was a prophet. As they cant find something that proves it, they invent some other excuse.
Jesus Christ, Living Lord and Savior; the Messiah and the Creator of everything that exists!

God Incarnate

and Fulfillment of the Covenants
Either way, I could never be part of an organization who's logo is a dead guy nailed to two pieces of wood.
do you HAVE a life? i mean, google-ing these links? come on. have you ever had a date? cuz i doubt it.
Jesus Christ was The Lord God Almighty creator of heaven and earth, you can either believe or not it is up to you.
Jesus never existed. The correct side....

I read both articles. The one on is more convincing, but assumes that Jesus actually existed. He didn't. What fails to consider is that the character of Jesus was woven around those prophecies he allegedly fulfilled. The evidence can be found in the fact that several of Jesus' ';fulfilled prophecies'; are based on mistranslations in the Septuagint.
he is prophet of allah

Therefore, for their breaking their covenant and their disbelief in the communications of Allah and their killing the prophets wrongfully and their saying: Our hearts are covered; nay! Allah set a seal upon them owing to their unbelief, so they shall not believe except a few. (155) And for their unbelief and for their having uttered against Marium a grievous calumny. (156) And their saying: Surely we have killed the Messiah, Isa son of Marium, the messenger of Allah; and they did not kill him nor did they crucify him, but it appeared to them so (like Isa) and most surely those who differ therein are only in a doubt about it; they have no knowledge respecting it, but only follow a conjecture, and they killed him not for sure. (157) Nay! Allah took him up to Himself; and Allah is Mighty, Wise. (158) And there is not one of the followers of the Book but most certainly believes in this before his death, and on the day of resurrection he (Isa) shall be a witness against them. (159) Wherefore for the iniquity of those who are Jews did We disallow to them the good things which had been made lawful for them and for their hindering many (people) from Allah's way. (160) And their taking usury though indeed they were forbidden it and their devouring the property of people falsely, and We have prepared for the unbelievers from among them a painful chastisement. (161) But the firm in knowledge among them and the believers believe in what has been revealed to. you and what was revealed before you, and those who keep up prayers and those who give the poor-rate and the believers in Allah and the last day, these it is whom We will give a mighty reward. (162)
Jesus Christ wasn't a false prophet, he was a true prophet, but he was never a God... Jesus was there to teach us about Christianity and even in the Quran it says that in the old bible it said that there will be a new prophet coming to earth to further the teaching and we have to beleive in him but too bad the bible got changed a million times before so that isn't there anymore...
Jesus Christ was a metaphor.

He never existed.
I think he was a fairly philosophical carpenter/ rabbi who probably encountered Buddhist philosophy while traveling in the east.

Now he's a dead philosophical carpenter/ rabbi. Nothing more or less.
Maybe he was insane, and truly believed he was the messiah.

I didn't actually read those links, because honestly I really don't give a ****.
Neither, it is likely he never even existed as a human.
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