Sunday, February 7, 2010

Islam says Jinns will join the False Messiah to deceive the world ? Could these Jinns come as ';Aliens'; ?

Jinns are shapeshifters and can come in reptilian forms........

.Islam says Jinns will join the False Messiah to deceive the world ? Could these Jinns come as ';Aliens'; ?
There is nothing in Islamic teaching telling that Jinns will join False messaih, its more likely that europe and us christians would join false messiah.Islam says Jinns will join the False Messiah to deceive the world ? Could these Jinns come as ';Aliens'; ?
Jins are a creature made from fire as men are made from clay and angels are made from light. They are believer and disbelievers like human being. Satan is one of the jinns who refused to follow the command of God to prostrate before Adam becaue he felt proud for being made of fire. The follower of Anti-christ will be men as well as jins.
Jinns are demonic and so are the grey aliens.So, yes they can.What they called angels and demons we call alien sightings today.
Can they come as Republicans? Halliburton?
reptilian form. LOL
It depends on what you mean by an alien.

I cannot see a great false prophet coming from any of the world's main faiths since he would be unacceptable to the other faiths and furthermore there have been so many warnings about the end times that we are expecting certain events and patterns to occur which would expose the great false prophet before he ever came.

It seems logical to me that the False Messiah could come as an Alien being and show us great wonders and miracles that are far beyond our technology or capabilities. He would probably try to show that all our religious teachings were great lies and falsehoods and convince many to leave their beliefs setting them up for a fall.



What part of this made any sense whatsoever?
Yea when I got real high once I saw some reptile people. THAT **** WAS SO CRAZY
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