Thursday, February 4, 2010

Since Obama was declared the true Messiah by Louis Farrakhan does that mean Jesus was a false Messiah?

in the minds of those people? Obama was declared the true Messiah by Louis Farrakhan does that mean Jesus was a false Messiah?
To those who worship at his shrine, though, there is nothing ordinary about him. To them, he is the embodiment of all virtues. If you are doodling around with Google and type in the phrase ';Obama articulate,'; you'll get about 277,000 results. It's even more fun to type in ';Obama handsome.'; Then you get about 330,000 results.

That's just word play, though. The real fawning comes in the way people describe their emotional reactions to this former unknown from Illinois. Take the example of Chris Matthews, an MSNBC talking head whom one might naively credit with a little bit of professional objectivity. After hearing one of Obama's speeches, Matthews giddily said ';My, I felt this thrill going up my leg. I mean, I don't have that too often.'; One is afraid to ask what other experiences have occasioned Matthews' exciting little leg vibration.

And then there's the fainting: At speech after speech, it seems, ladies swoon merely from being in his presence. There hasn't been this orgy of public fainting since Frank Sinatra or, perhaps, the Beatles. The fact that this whole thing may be the work of one or two determined fans, doesn't seem to affect some people's belief that it is right and appropriate that women are literally knocked flat on their butts by his aura. o_OSince Obama was declared the true Messiah by Louis Farrakhan does that mean Jesus was a false Messiah?
Ha Ha very funny.

Only Jesus Christ is the Messiah.

No mere man can say a man like Obama is anything but an Oprah Winfrey ballot box winner.

The only reason he got into Office was that people were sick of Bush. But they will be so sorry they voted that mad man into office.
not at all Jesus was the messiah for the jews I have never heard Obama called the Messiah but maybe he will be for America that means anointed one when was he anointed ???
Louis Farrakhan is an idiot..

No more need be said..

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